Monday, March 31, 2008

an extreme "office" makeover!

This past week, after months of talking about giving our office space a new look, we finally DID it! And all in one day, too! I suppose I can't really prove that this is an extreme makeover without some horrid "before" pictures, but I dumbly didn't take any, so a description will have to do:

Before : pink floofy carpet
After : neutral berber carpet

Before : 1 white wall, 1 salmon textured wall with aztec-inspired border, 1 solid salmon wall, 1 blue floral-stripe wallpapered wall (and NO, it was not originally decorated by me...)
After : 4 MATCHING walls in a neutral, calming slate blue-gray

Before : blue plastic mini-blinds
After : jute roman shades with navy linen curtains

Before : a room that we dreaded working in
Now : a room that we LOVE working in, and one that is conducive to everything we do!

It's still a bit sparse, as we haven't yet added the shelving and wall grouping we've got planned, but it's definitely so much better!

Monday, March 24, 2008

run annabelle, run!

We had lots of fun hunting for Easter eggs with our niece Annabelle yesterday...she was so excited when she'd find one, especially if it was "shakeable" with goodies inside!

But I have to say my favorite part of the day was when I got to be "auntie" instead of "photographer." Annabelle and I played a little game of "run and getcha" - thank you so much to our friend Badi who caught these moments!


Below is quite possibly the cutest series of images EVER! (Don't say I didn't warn you...)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"hoppy" easter!

Hello readers!
Just wanted to take a minute this morning to wish everyone a very happy Easter holiday!
This is little Ava (you might remember her from the shoot we did back in December)...she's almost 4 months old now, and cute as can be! We had lots of fun photographing her in some adorable Easter apparell yesterday, and we can't wait to see how big she gets by July when we see her again!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

jane ann + jackson are getting SO big!

Jennifer and I had the pleasure of photographing little Jane Ann and Jackson for the second time yesterday, and we just had a blast! You might remember them from our shoot last fall (posted here) when Jackson was just a few weeks old. Well, he's six months now, and such a cute little thing! He had fun sitting up and drooling all over the place. And Jane Ann is an AMAZING big sister - she loves 'baby' with all her heart! Here are a few of our faves...

Monday, March 17, 2008

happy st. pat's!

Just a little note to wish everybody a Happy Saint Patrick's Day! :)
May you have a fun-filled Monday and lots of that Irish luck!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

the george-rudd family

Meet Jason and Butterfly and their two sweet little boys, Hunter and Harrison! Their fun session was on location in Columbia, SC last fall - such a great trip! They have a fantastic backyard that reminded me of the book "The Secret Garden," and Hunter had a blast running around exploring. The pictures really speak for themselves, so enjoy - and Butterfly, we can't wait to see you guys again this fall!