Wednesday, May 28, 2008

relay for life - part 4

And can you believe it...? Even more! :)
These are the last of the bunch - hope you guys enjoy!

And a big thank you to the good people at HMG and to all the super families and kids we had the pleasure of working with!

relay for life - part 3

And some more...

relay for life - part 2

Some more images from the fundraiser:

horray for relay for life!

When Holston Medical Group approached us to see if we'd be interested in being part of their annual Relay for Life fundraiser, our answer was an immediate YES! :) Over the course of 3 days last week we photographed mini-sessions for 21 families - what a treat!! We met some fantastic people and adorable kids, and the best part of all is that the proceeds went straight to Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society. Being able to use our talents to give to such a good cause is so rewarding, it's just an honor to do it. And Jennifer and I will be doing it again next month for another 3 days and we couldn't be more excited!
Below and in the next few posts I'll be showing 1 image from each mini-session - enjoy, everybody!

Friday, May 23, 2008

the honeycutt family

Boy oh boy did we have a good 'ole time with this great family! Traci (mom) was actually Jennifer's guidance counselor in high school, so we had an especially great connection with the whole gang! The kiddos, Kaden & Keaton, are actually twins! They were adorable as could be, and we had loads of laughs exploring downtown Johnson City as well as the V.A. Honeycutts, thank you so much for letting us spend a super-fun evening with you! Here are some of our favorites...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

olivia is 6 months old...

...and full of fun expressions! Jennifer and I had photographed Olivia at 3 months, and it's so amazing to see how much she's grown since then! We had a fun adventure out in the front yard with all the soft grass and pretty flowers. Here are a few of our faves...

Monday, May 19, 2008

ashley + aaron : engagement

Jennifer and I had a VERY busy weekend which included an engagement session AND a wedding, all in the same day!
Saturday morning the weather was "iffy" at best...who would've planned for foggy and mid-40s temps in the middle of May?? But by the time we arrived at the farm with Ashley and Aaron, the sun had burned through the clouds and it made for some beautiful lighting! The property, which has been in Ashley's family for generations, was just breathtaking...and Ashley and Aaron were a dream to photograph! Guys, you did a spectacular job - we had a blast with you!! It's obvious how in love you two are, so thank you for letting us capture that, and we can't wait to see you on the "big day" next month!
Here are a few favorites (and let me tell you, it was HARD to pick just 5! I wanted to post about 20!) - hope you enjoy!

Monday, May 12, 2008

happy belated mother's day!

Hello, everyone - hope you all had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend! To all our moms out there, we hope you were pampered!
We had an awesome shoot on Friday evening that involved two moms, and we've picked some of our very favorite images to share! Lauren, you have a wonderful family - you guys couldn't have been more fun and we can't wait to see how little Kamryn grows!

Friday, May 9, 2008

prints for the "special project"

Yesterday was SO exciting! Jennifer and I received our beyond gorgeous prints for the special project we're a part of (I blogged about that last month - and the whole sha-bang will be revealed next month when everything is complete!) and what a treat! As you can see from the pics below, some of the prints are pretty darn large - practically bigger than Jenn! :) They really turned out beautifully and we couldn't be happier!
You know, seeing your work in print form, especially in a large print, is really a humbling experience. To know that something you created will be treasured by someone else and their family, that it will be hung in their home, that it will be passed down and bring people joy for generations - it's just such an amazing honor. We feel truly blessed to do what we do and thank God for our passion and talents every day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

cool collages

Collages are fun way to incorporate multiple images on one print! From a small 5x7 framed on a table to a large 20x30 hanging on your wall, collages provide a unique way to display your favorite images together. The images can be combined with color squares, your child's initials, special words or phrases, your wedding date...the possibilities are amazing!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

these boots were made for walkin'

...and that's just what they'll do!
Some cute downtown shots from this past rainy Saturday!

Friday, May 2, 2008

the difference of black & white

This is the first post of our new little "tips & tricks" section of the blog...
We know that practically everyone has a camera, and that many of them are digital nowadays... The tips & tricks we'll share are just little bits of knowledge that you can use to give your digital snapshots a more artsy feel!

Take adorable little Emma here -

This is one of our images "straight out of camera" (otherwise known as SOOC - click to see it bigger). No tweaking, no color enhancement, no editing of any kind. We looked at this image and immediately knew it was a "keeper!" The composition is nice, we really love the branch along the top and Emma's expression is full of wonder - it makes you want to know what she's thinking! The color is nice, but to us, the overall feel of the picture calls for a process that evokes more "mood."

Enter the black and white -

Ooohhhh - see the difference? By turning the image to black and white and adding a bit of vignette, you're really drawn into the scene.

So, today's lesson - if you have an image that speaks to you but you think there might be something missing, try it in black and white! A little change can make a BIG difference!