Friday, May 9, 2008

prints for the "special project"

Yesterday was SO exciting! Jennifer and I received our beyond gorgeous prints for the special project we're a part of (I blogged about that last month - and the whole sha-bang will be revealed next month when everything is complete!) and what a treat! As you can see from the pics below, some of the prints are pretty darn large - practically bigger than Jenn! :) They really turned out beautifully and we couldn't be happier!
You know, seeing your work in print form, especially in a large print, is really a humbling experience. To know that something you created will be treasured by someone else and their family, that it will be hung in their home, that it will be passed down and bring people joy for generations - it's just such an amazing honor. We feel truly blessed to do what we do and thank God for our passion and talents every day!

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